August Message

Governor Bill Anoatubby

Buildings are simply buildings, unless they are serving people

By Bill Anoatubby, Governor, Chickasaw Nation

The Chickasaw Nation has been known for centuries for its warrior tradition. Known as “Spartans of the Lower Mississippi,” any group traveling through our area knew to tread lightly and communicate openly!

Our warrior tradition is well known. What may not be as widely perceived is our history as builders and traders.

It is obvious in today’s society that we are prolific builders. Our tribal structures are a commonplace sight in the Chickasaw Nation, and most of these buildings are new or near new. What is not discussed nearly as often is the important role those buildings play in our service to the Chickasaw Nation, and to our communities as a whole.

Our primary mission is always to serve the Chickasaw people. We build because the facilities we develop help create improved lives for Chickasaw people and their families. Buildings are just buildings, unless they are used for a program, service or industry that serves Chickasaws.

The Chickasaw Nation Medical Center is a prime example. Many of us remember the facility we went to for health care before our Medical Center opened in 2010. When we compacted in 1994 to provide Indian health care in the Ada area, it was immediately clear we would have to invest in a modern facility. Additionally, Chickasaws consistently expressed to me that health care was their primary concern. When we compare our Medical Center to the facility that preceded it, it is obvious we have taken a giant leap in the delivery of quality health care to Chickasaws, and to all Indian patients seeking health care. Inside our Medical Center, the professional health care staff delivers exceptional service to the people.

Our tribe is, and has always been, fully dedicated to Chickasaw education. We believe quality education is critically important to the success and happiness of Chickasaw people and Chickasaw families. Major features of our education investment are functional, well-designed learning centers that facilitate good, solid education programs. Year after year, the Chickasaw Nation invests more resources in education for the full range of Chickasaw students. From our Head Start students to our vocational students to our post-doctoral academics, our tribe offers tremendous levels of support.

We have also dedicated millions to additional health care programs, housing initiatives, employment opportunities, career development, cultural outreach, transportation and much more. The Chickasaw Nation understands that buildings and facilities are important, but those structures must serve a distinct purpose.

When the public health care crisis hit in 2020, not only did people suffer. The economy suffered mightily. Most business sectors dried up and the challenge for all entities engaged in commerce was great.

Our Chickasaw Nation businesses stayed on course, and we did more than just survive. By reinvesting in our businesses, we built on our solid foundations. Our management team did an excellent job of making our facilities safe and secure. Our valued employees rededicated themselves to great service and to keeping our patrons safe. While companies across the country cut work forces, we reinvested in our people and recognized great results. Our commercial foundation today is rock solid, and it is built always to serve Chickasaw people.

At the Chickasaw Nation, we remind ourselves daily that we work for you – the Chickasaw people. Our goal every day is to serve you well, to make your life better, and to bring you the quality programs and services you need. Yes, we have exceptional facilities we have built to bring the best of our tribe to you. However, our most important investment is in the strong foundation represented by the resilient, resourceful and powerful Chickasaw people.