January Message

Governor Bill Anoatubby

Families, children from the foundation of great nations

By Bill Anoatubby, Governor, Chickasaw Nation

When we consider the essential building blocks of a nation, the bedrock of any sovereign entity would be its families and its children. How a nation nurtures its children, and how it supports its families, will always be indicative of how strong that nation is.

At the Chickasaw Nation, we have understood for countless generations the importance of strong families and healthy, happy children. In the era long before removal, Chickasaws built strong communities with support structures for families. If a family encountered trouble, related families would move quickly to its aid. Throughout the entire community, it was understood that support was always available and children would always be cared for.

In the modern Chickasaw Nation, that legacy of caring, support and strength has continued through our traditional family structures, as well as our tribal programs. The challenges may have changed, but the commitment to children and families has remained constant.

Through the tribal Division of Youth and Family Services, families can access multiple services, all designed to keep them together and strong. Our Chickasaw families benefit from marriage counseling, relationship building, family development, special gatherings and much more. The intent of all these programs, and many more, is to help our families when they encounter life’s knocks and bumps. Our desire is to assist our families to overcome these challenges, and help them with those fundamental elements that are so important to a successful family unit.

Our Department of Family Advocacy is making tremendous inroads ensuring children without good homes have the benefit of a good foster home environment. In this modern era, quality foster care for our children is a challenge that must be met. We understand the commitment our foster families make to our children, and we are supportive of those foster environments that help shape our children well for adulthood.

Through the Chickasaw Nation Health System, families access health care that is among the finest in the country. When the tribe compacted in 1994 to provide Indian health care in this area of Oklahoma, we understood that quality health care was the top priority of Chickasaw people. We wanted to be certain that care was developed properly and delivered professionally.

Since the compact, we have continued to grow and expand our health care services. We annually dedicate millions of dollars in tribal funds for Chickasaw-specific health care programs. We are building a new, state-of-the-art health care facility in Ada that will be as modern, as well-staffed and as well-equipped as any in the country. We know healthy families have the greatest opportunity for success, happiness and longevity.

Through the tribal Division of Education, our students are incentivized to achieve at the highest levels of academia. With scholarships, books and clothing grants, tuition assistance, laptop computers, license and certification aid, and more, our young Chickasaw students now have the best opportunity of all time to succeed. And they are succeeding! We now see graduation records year after year, and an explosion of Chickasaws receiving their bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. Our students really are, our “leaders of tomorrow.”

We are always mindful of our mission to enhance the quality of the lives of Chickasaw people. Everything a nation builds stems from the success of its family and its children. Serving them properly and fully assures our future as a strong and self-reliant people.